Western Screech Owls

Watch the live stream on YouTubehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEA60cuboUemQdrQyUMaedA/live

Alex and Athena – A Brief History

Western screech owls have been a part of our life for a number of years, but we didn’t initially know it. “Our” owls, like most owls, kept mostly unto themselves. It wasn’t until early Spring 2020 that we met our owls face-to-face and got a chance to know them.

Our favorite owl photos and videos each have a page of their own.

May 2023Hazel hatched on May 8th.
April 2023Alex and Athena laid a four egg clutch. The eggs were laid on April 7th, 9th, 12th, and 14th.
2022Alex and Athena laid a four egg clutch. Three owlets hatched and later fledged in June.
2021Alex and Athena have a three egg clutch. The eggs were laid on the 10th, 15th, and 17th of April. The owlets hatched in May and fledged in June.
March 2021We added another (yet another) camera so that we could watch Alex and Athena perch on the backyard fence.
February 2021Smart home upgrade. In anticipation of the owls return we build a new “smart” nest for them. There’s a camera mounted above the owl box roof as well as a camera in the attic aimed at the next below.
Alex and Athena ‐ History is made, we’ve named our owls.
2020Owls! We discover a western screech owl family.
We relocate the nest to a safer place and set up a camera to watch them.
the early daysHeard, but not seen … the owls keep to themselves
A brief history of the McFam.net Western Screech Owls